Mystic Reign
Enter the enchanting world of Mystic Reign, a fantasy anime set on Necrogard Island, where twin sisters Lady Akia Manto and Princess Sukimi clash in a battle for dominion. Explore the depths of their rivalry as they vie for control, weaving a captivating tale of power, magic, and destiny.
welcome to the futureWelcome to Isekaiverse
Where Anime meets the future! Dive into our immersive entertainment hub and metaverse, designed for fans, creators, and enthusiasts. Explore a play-to-earn game, exclusive music NFTs, captivating cosplay events, and an NFT marketplace bursting with unique anime-themed digital assets. Discover our graphic novel adaptation, bringing our vibrant characters to life.
Embark on this journey with our Ethereum-based token, strategically paired with the stability of USDT. This powerful combination provides a secure and reliable foundation for your transactions within the Isekaiverse ecosystem. Your dreams in the world of anime and beyond start here.
Join us on this exciting venture, fueled by innovation and creativity. Unleash Your Creativity, Explore Endless Possibilities in Isekaiverse!
Anime is not just amazing art and stories but a way of life!
Anime is not just amazing art and stories but a way of life!
Mystic Reign Manga
Our first 45 page volume is completed and ready for publication featuring the first script from the series, A Tale of Two Sisters. 9 more volumes are ready to go to our artist to complete the first season.
Our Vision
Mystic Reign's mission statement is to the devotion of Japanese ACG (An ime, Comics, Games) culture. To strengthen the Mystic Reign IP, we are creating an animated series, original music, games as well as merchandise.
join us todayMystic Reign
Embark on an epic journey with Mystic Reign, where the mystical realm of Necrogard Island becomes the battleground for power. Princess Sukimi and her twin sister, the malevolent Akia Manto, clash in a fierce battle for control. Akia Manto, our cunning and sinister villain, weaves dark schemes to conquer the island's ancient magic. As the story unfolds, the enchanting narrative is elevated by the musical brilliance of Raj Ramayya (Cowboy Bebop), Mika Kobayashi (Attack on Titan), and the evocative theme song "Island of Dreams" by Lotus Juice (Persona 5). This anime series seamlessly integrates gripping storytelling with the melodic mastery of these renowned artists, promising a spellbinding experience that transcends the boundaries of fantasy. Mystic Reign invites you to witness a tale of rivalry, magic, and the indomitable spirit that shapes the destiny of Necrogard Island.
join us todayOur NFT’s
Isekaiverse NFT collection including cosplayer, music, game and artist NFTs will allow access to greater rewards in the Isekaiverse ecosystem including entry to special events, first look at products , exclusive NFT reward drops, ISV token rewards, whitelist opportunities for partner projects and much more.